Our Community

We Support Local

Our passion for being local all started on one particular street — 104th street. Years ago, Darin Rayburn believed in the vision of what 104th could be and became a part of its reemergence. Seeing how a collective vision changed a community forever sparked a passion. Today, 104th street has all the right elements that make it a lively area, and Foray is carrying that feeling forward.

What We're Doing

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A New Generation

We create new hubs in corners of the community that embody equity and diversity for future generations.

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See It, Feel It

By investing in local, we drive our economy and give back to the people.

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Giving Back

We’ve participated in a number of charitable initiatives, including working with the Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation for six years.

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Supporting Entrepreneurship

We support businesses with dreams. Darin was a part of the founder group for Startup Edmonton and is an active tech investor in startups and venture capital funds.

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We're shaping the minds of young entrepreneurs through mentorship opportunities — previously, Darin was a member of the University of Alberta Threshold Impact Venture Mentorship service. Today, Darin is a multi-year mentor volunteer via NAIOPs Developing Leaders program.

Our Values Drive Us

See the foundations we built our company upon.